
The art of assertive communication and confident public speaking

20 h
Cost: 570 €
(price for advance booking)
For reservations made in less than 6 wks. from the date of the beginning of the training the price increases by 50 €
sign up for training

For Whom. Trainings dedicated to representatives of various professions and positions, all those who are interested in expanding their skills of assertive self-expression, discovering their own strengths in communication and mastering stage fright in public speaking.

Training objectives

  • Identification of sources, symptoms and effects of stress,

  • Understanding the importance of communication in building interpersonal relationships and its impact on stress levels,

  • Presentation of conflict resolution methods using assertiveness and cooperation,

  • Understanding the sources of stage fright before public speaking,

  • Introducing relaxation techniques as methods of reducing tension,

  • To realize the impact of voice modulation and body language on audience reception,

  • Introducing methods of building interaction with the audience,

  • Indication of effective improvisation techniques.

Effects for Participants

Upon completion of the training Participants:
  • can identify sources of stress in interpersonal relationships and before public speaking,

  • Are aware of their communication style,

  • know techniques to work on increasing assertiveness,

  • can put into practice conflict resolution styles based on assertiveness and cooperation,

  • Are aware of the potential and dangers of the phenomenon of stage fright,

  • understand the impact of non-verbal factors on the audience of a speech,

  • know techniques for dealing with stage fright during public speaking and can put them into practice,

  • know and can put into practice relaxation and awareness techniques,

  • Have the ability to improvise effectively.

Training plan

Day 1.  
Stress, assertiveness, communication

  1. Introduction to the objectives and training plan,
  2. Identification of individual needs of participants,
  3. Sources, symptoms, phases and effects of stress,
  4. Mobilizing stress vs. destructive stress,
  5. The importance of communication in building interpersonal relationships and its impact on stress levels,
  6. Assertive, submissive or manipulative? Communication styles,
  7. Is assertiveness enough? Ways to resolve conflicts using assertiveness and cooperation,
  8. Agreement without communication barriers – what to avoid?
  9. Training Summary. Feedback.

Guided tour: Gdansk

Day 2.  
Harmony of body, breath and mind

Day 3.  
Relax, it's just stage fright

  1. Identification of participants’ expectations,
  2. Stage fright and its beneficial and destructive effects on public speaking,
  3. Influence of non-verbal aspects in the form of body language, timbre of voice and image on the reception of the message, working with the body: a workshop,
  4. Working with voice, breath and diction: a workshop,
  5. Working with imagination – or how to prepare well for social exposure,
  6. Techniques for self-regulation of emotions during a speech,
  7. Practical improvisation,
  8. Use of improvisational theater methods,
  9. Training Summary. Feedback.

Day 4.  
Mindfulness practice as a method of expanding self-awareness, exploring one's own mind and nurturing psychophysical well-being

Sign up for training

20 h

Training: The art of assertive communication and confident public speaking

Enrollment closed

Discount code for accommodation at the Arche Hotel

    Studio Baltica AG in the center of Sopot by the beach

    The entire facility – apartment in:
    Sopot, Poland

    Apartment for 3 people the center of Sopot by the beach

    The entire facility – apartment in:
    Sopot, Poland

    Here are the training sessions